A genus of the Orchid family The name of this genus has been derived from the Greek words ‘aer’ (air) and ‘angos’ (urn). Approximately 50 species in this genus are known mostly from tropical Africa, but also from the Comoro Islands, Madagascar and Sri Lanka.
Currently the Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families recognizes 51 species, 2 natural hybrids, and 4 varieties. it distributed Africa and its adjacent islands, including Madagascar.
Aerangis’ descendants from intergeneric hybridization have been registered.
It is not difficult to grow any of the species of Aerangis, but the plants are easily lost if growing conditions change adversely. The species from higher elevations need cooler conditions than those that occur at or near sea level, and those from near the Equator generally require warmer conditions and higher humidity than those that are found much further south at the same elevation. Details of the habitat, where known, often give an indication of the best way to manage the environment for plants in cultivation.

Aerangis biloba
This small sized, hot to warm growing, epiphytic species is from tropical western and central Africa in forests, woodland and thickets, as well as on cultivated crops such as coffee and cocoa to elevations of 700 meters with short to 8″ long stems
Aerangis biloba is a species of epiphytic orchid.It is native to tropical West Africa (Benin, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo, Central African Republic, Cameroon, Gabon).
Aerangis biloba comes from Western Africa (Senegal east to Cameroon). It grows as an epiphyte in woodland thickets, forest canopies, village trees and often found in plantation crops. It can be found at sea level to about 2,300 feet (700 meters).
The stem of A. biloba can reach up to 8 inches (20cm) and is woody. Its leaves are a dark green when the plant is younger and eventually develop black dots as the plant matures (there can be a small amount of black dots on younger plants). Leaves are usually about 6 1/2 inches long (18cm) and will be 1 1/8 (3cm) to 2 1/4 (6cm) wide. The leaves are bilobed at the ends with a slight sinus between the ends.
Inflorescence’s are pendent and will vary in length, 4 – 16 inches (10 – 40cm) long. They will produce 8 – 20 flowers that alternate down the length of the inflorescence. They are white and often have a pink or brown tint in the pedicel and the spur which is about 2 inches (5 – 6cm) long.
The Two-lobed Aerangis blooms in the spring and summer
Light:- Plants in cultivation need well-shaded conditions, similar to those enjoyed by Phalaenopsis species and hybrids. The level of light should be quite low and the light should be filtered or dispersed. Plants should not be exposed to direct sunlight, especially at noon. Strong air movement should be ensured all the time.
Temperature:- This species is a thermophilic plant. The average day temperature during the whole year is 26-31 ° C, night 17-20 ° C, which gives a daily amplitude of 7-12 ° C.
Humidity:- Plants needs a humidity level of 80-85% from late spring to autumn, and falling to 70-75% during the winter and early spring. It is easily dehydrated so you will need to pay close attention to the moisture factor. If the plants are kept too dry, there is the danger that they will dry out too much and lose their leaves. If they are sprayed with too much cold water or too frequently, the plants will suffer, lose their leaves and die. Careful management of both the plants and their environment is the key to long-lived plants and the reward of many flowers every year.
Potting:- All of the plants will grow well in pots of medium suitable for most other epiphytes; those with finer roots need a smaller particle size and moister conditions than those with thicker roots. All species grow well as mounted plants, firmly attached to a piece of bark or cork. Mounted plants should be suspended in deep shade, usually in high humidity. The flowers are naturally and elegantly displayed when the plants are grown like this.
Watering:- The Two-lobed Aerangis should be watered frequently during periods of intensive growth, but the outflow of water must be facilitated and the substrate around the roots should always be loose, with easy access of air.
Fertilizer:- Plants need only weak liquid fertilizer, during the growing season when new roots and new leaves are produced.. Before fertilizing the plant it is necessary to wet it: in this way the roots are not burned by the fertilizer.
Rest period:- In winter, watering should be reduced to a certain extent, especially in the case of plants cultivated in darker conditions of a short day typical of higher latitudes, but they should not be completely deprived of water. Fertilization should be reduced or eliminated until new growths appear in the spring and more abundant watering starts.
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