Laelia rubescens is a species of orchid native to Mexico and Central America.
Laelia rubescens also called as The Rosy Tinted Laelia, Amalia acuminate, Amalia peduncularis, Amalia rubescens, Bletia acuminata, Bletia peduncularis, Bletia rubescens, Bletia violacea, Cattleya acuminata, Cattleya pendicularis, Cattleya rubescens, Laelia acuminata, Laelia inconspicua, Laelia peduncularis, Laelia pubescens, Laelia rubescens f. peduncularis, Laelia violacea, is a species of the genus Laelia.
Laelia rubescens loves bright sunlight and is able to tolerate the direct morning and evening sun, however the orchid should be protected from direct sunlight otherwise the plant can get sunburn. Bright sunlight is one of the main prerequisites for the flowering of this type of orchids, and if it is insufficient, the plant will simply not bloom.
The most recommended temperature is: Day temperature at 21-24 ° C (maximum 32 ° C); Night temperature at 10-15 ° C; To successfully grow at home, it is necessary that the night temperature of the content is always 6 ° C lower than the daytime temperature.
Laelia needs relatively high humidity, not less than 60-80%. Too dry air negatively affects the growth and development of the plant: its growth is inhibited and the orchid begins to stagnate and turn yellow.
During the period of new growth, the plant needs frequent and abundant watering. Excess water during watering should flow freely out of the pot, as the stagnation of water both inside the pot and in its pan can very quickly lead to decay of the roots and the lower part of the plant. The substrate between waterings must necessarily dry well, as the roots of the orchid are very sensitive to waterlogging. In the hot summer period, daily spraying of the outer part of the plant is recommended, this will increase the humidity around the orchid and help it to survive the heat better.
Rest period:
Immediately after flowering, Laelia rubescens undergoes a short period of rest, which is expressed by the fact that the orchid contains somewhat colder than usual, does not fertilize and rarely is watered. The ideal temperature for this period is 10-13 ° C. From watering should be discarded completely and produce it only if the pseudobulbs of the plant begin to wrinkle strongly. Growing on the blocks of orchids is recommended to spray no more than once in 10 days. With the advent of new shoots, the rest period ends: the watering of the orchid resumes in the usual volume, and the overall temperature of the contents rises.